Harry Duncan, better known as Ha-Rih, is an American rapper, producer, and business mogul from Richmond, Virginia. Check out our interview below as we speak about what led him to experience his musical journey.
What encouraged you to pursue a career in the music industry Ha-Rih?

I must agree with you. Our generation have experienced that attitude and mindset more than most kids today. How long have you been doing music? Describe your style.
Ha-Rih - I have been doing music since age 13-14 as a hobby or indirect passion of mine. I began really just writing my thoughts and conforming words at an age where I had a lot to say and didn't know who to tell it to. I began producing music around age 15 when a childhood friend of mine gave me this software called Fruity Loop also known as FL Studio. I would go home everyday after school a nd sit on this program teaching myself how to make beats until my mom made me get off and go to sleep cause it was late and I didn't do my homework. This was the time I went from a supporter of the culture to taking steps towards becoming a contributor.
My style of music has always derived from what I first became privy to in Hip Hop, the classic era is what I call it. I came up like a lot of my peers on the 90s style of hip hop with that old "boom bap" beat pattern and over worded lyrical word play. That era is what I first fell in love with and what I aspired to emulate. At one point I was so close-minded about Hip Hop that as time went on I almost became shut off or against any artist who wasn't carrying on that essence style of Hip Hop that I first began listening to. After a dope conversation with an ex co-worker of mine I began expanding my musical taste and personal style as well. So today my music is a direct reflection of Hip Hop at its earlier stages infused with a modern approach that encompasses influences from past, present, and future generations.
Wow, great way to explain your style Ha-Rih. I'm sure many people will appreciate that your music is a direct reflection of Hip Hop at its earlier stages. What do makes you different from your competitors in the industry?
Ha-Rih - Looking at Hip Hop and music in general at its current state I feel as if there are a lot of niche markets. Meaning each artist on the come up now-a-days is almost the spokes person for a specific group of people and probably has a cult following. Although I feel cult followings are dope and very loyal do to the personal connection they usually have with the artist; I also feel it can box in an artist from being able to break away from his or her norm freely. With my music being a direct reflection of me, my near and sometimes distant surroundings, my peers, elders and the world in which we live in I feel as if I cannot be put into a box and labeled as easily. Like when people think of my music I would like them to think of that one song of mine they relate to so much they almost feel as they could have made it. One thing my listeners and fans can expect from me is change and diversity. I love music. Not one genre or sub market within it, but the art form itself.
Ha-Rih, I love how you as an artist speak upon your uniqueness. That's so important. Especially since you've stated that we can expect change and diversity from you. Name 3 people that inspire you and why.
Ha-Rih - My mother, my listeners, and God inspires me the most. My mother has always been an inspiration to me because of her drive and persistence to do what she sets her mind to. She is the person who taught me not to be scared to take risks, to think outside of the box and most importantly to be a go-getter. I grew up in a very traditional family and her out of the box style of thinking always attracted me to think the same. My listeners and believers are a very big inspiration for me because they are the people that inspire me to do what I do. The love and interest they show in my music and various efforts pushes me to continue as I am reassured that the decision I made to follow my dreams was the right one. God is an inspiration to me not only for obvious reasons but also his ability to touch a mass amount of people through spiritual presence and word while giving them something that adds to their daily lives.
Wow, I'd definitely have to relate you you with your inspirations. I must say, you're an honest person and that helps people make a better connection with you and your music. Who are some artists that you've worked with? Anyone internationally?
Ha-Rih - What's funny is current I can count the amount of artist I have worked with on two hands. Since my debut release "Digital Vinyl", I have worked with many people but more producers than artists mostly. I guess this is due to me having so much to say being a fairly new solo artist and also just being very selective in who I think will compliment a song or project I may be working on. A few artists that I have worked with to date starting with my "Digital Vinyl" features are names such as Sleek, I.V., P, Smooth, Trey Woolridge, Rudafresh Prodcutions, Weava, and RcMentalSs.
I am very aware of some of those names. They're definitely great people to work with. So Ha-Rih are you currently working on any new projects or events?
Ha-Rih - Yes, like I said my first solo debut project entitled "Digital Vinyl" is out now and available for free download. My next project entitled "The Syndication" will be out in early 2012 and will continue in volumes throughout the year.
Wonderful! what are your future goals as an artist?
Ha-Rih - My future goals as an artist is to continue to deliver quality music and in some way touch the masses through my efforts in doing so.
What a great interview with Ha-Rih! I encourage those who haven't experienced his music to do so now and download "Digital Vinyl" for free!!
Mixtape Download Link for "Digital Vinyl": http://www.mediafire.com/?8fhbb3h2j6vo433
Link to "Vibin" (Official Music Video) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otgK3UatnOw&list=UUjJM62JXLgi2w8Ji6u7JztQ&index=2&feature=plcp
Twitter: @Ha_Rih
Facebook: Facebook.com/HaRihMusic
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/harirobinson1
Blog: http://ha-rih.blogspot.com/
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