It is very important to network if you want to succeed in this industry. There are so many networking companies and opportunities that people aren’t really aware. One specifically is “The LadySonya Network”. I’ve interviewed the networking genius and was able to learn more about what her business offers not only to the entertainment industry but also to the young people who are seeking an opportunity to be apart of the movement.
Can you give me a little background about yourself? Who is Ms. Lady Sonya?
Who is LadySonya? LadySonya is somewhat an alter ego I’ve created. Back in 2008 I decided to start a business; LadySonya Music Studio LLC. In the process of developing a name for the company I thought to call myself LadySonya instead of Ms. Sonya. Which is my musician name. In a nutshell that’s where the name came from. As for who is she? LadySonya is really person who isn’t afraid of the word NO. She’s a very business minded person, always working on a business plan, a musician, a caring person, and she’s natural (hair). LOL.
Ha ha ha, nice. So what exactly is the background of your network?
The LadySonya Network is a business networking organization dedicated to highlighting, connecting, and empowering aspiring music industry people and entrepreneurs while creating opportunities for growth through valuable info about the business world.
The LadySonya Network sounds like something this industry needs. What made you begin this profound movement?

Wow, that’s amazing how things came together for you. What services do you offer? What kind of events?
The services are not limited. The business is fairly new, established April 2011. The ultimate service we offer is the ability to promote and market you on the website and through our social media networks. There’s a page on the website (Network Directory) that is geared to other businesses I find unique in the industry to helping up and coming artists and entrepreneurs. We also provide services such as branding, graphic designing, and developing.
Events- I look to host a huge Launch party at the beginning of next year and you can look forward to seeing informative seminars also. Also, there will be an online show aired weekly. I have soooo much in store for TLSN.... it’s really exciting!
Wonderful! I’m looking forward to everything TLSN has to offer. I think the LadySonya Network is so informative for young people. What is the main goal behind it?
Thanks! I am actually the one behind the twitter @TheLSnetwork giving valuable information through experience. I’m always learning so when I come across something/obstacle I’m excited to inform my social media family. The main goal behind everything is to EDUCATE. Whether it’s through reading my tweets,blogs, or if people decide to schedule a one-on-one consultation. That’s really the main goal. The network was built to inform those who can’t go off to school or if they went and still didn’t grasp the knowledge they needed to expand on their goals and dreams.
I agree. Your posts are very informative to the young generation. Do you offer internships for people that are interested in the Entertainment Business?
Yes! Internships are available. Send resume to I’d love to help show the ropes to someone who is thirsty to learn things that go on behind the scenes. It’s hard work but well worth it. ;)
Yes, it’s important to first gain experience in the field and then begin to work in it. So where do you see The LadySonya Network in the future?
I see TLSN expanding to other cities outside of Atlanta. Also, I see the organization offering scholarships to help students as well as future business owners. Just helping people. I believe the main goal is to INSPIRE people all over. That’s an awarding feeling in it’s self.
Twitter: @TheLSnetwork
Facebook: LadySonya Fan Page
Networking Facebook: The LadySonya Network
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